Community Activism
Community activism is about people in communities creating opportunities for growth and change and deliberate movement towards ends which they determine and, in the process, so increase their critical awareness, knowledge, skills and attitudes.
Community activists feels moved to create positive change, to improve the quality of life and the well-being of their communities. They’re members of the community who voluntarily work with others from the community to achieve common aims, or deliver change. A community Activist is someone who takes individual action or action with others in a community, in a planned way to bring about a clearly identified and agreed change which contributes to an improvement in quality of life. Community activists usually work at a local level to create positive social change and help communities come together to solve problems.
“We believe in the power of community action, our work is to buildup communities, developing local capacities to solve local issues and also promoting collective action to bring the community’s preferences to the attention of the stakeholders. We want to see more community involvement in consultation, managing and taking part in community projects and enterprises.”. Sebit Martin, Executive Director
In Yei – South Sudan, the community Development Centre – CDC is building the capacity of other local community organizations, groups and community activist to be able to set out and work on achieving local community aims. We are offering grassroots change leaders the tools, concepts, and language to create the local change their communities need.
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